Let us
Set you up

Don't know where to start, short on time?
Let Dearnex take the pressure off.

from £595.00

Setting up a new online store

Whether you're new to E-Commerce or have a pre-existing website, the task to build a website is a daunting one. From imagery, organisation of categories, product data and ensuring everything is optimised and set up for search engines. There is no getting away from the time required to build but our team are experts and have the time and resources available to get your website running as soon as possible.

Our team are available to discuss your requirements from starting from scratch or migrating from another platform.

We ensure your website is built to perform and optimised for success

We manage the process from start to finish.

from £595.00

What you can expect

Speaking with our team, we will advise a suitable package, or tailor a bespoke package for you, we will have discussed your business and have background knowledge. From this point one we will manage the process from start to finish, from customising your theme, building in your menus categories and products, we will also set up your stores setting and help integrate the required payment gateways. We will ensure your store is ready to trade and fully optimised to maximise scales.

  1. Theme Advice
  2. Theme Customisation
  3. Data Import & Configuration
  4. Domain Name DNS & Go Live

Our setup Packages

Find the best package for your business







What's included?
Support Choosing the most suitable Theme
Customisation of Theme
One hour tutorial on how to add products & categories
(Face to Face tutorials available)
Basic Pages Set Up
(eg. About Us, T&C's privacy policy)
Setup assistance with payment gateways
Set Up Products 10 20 POA
Set up your delivery rates schedule
Set up Google Search Console
Domain name DNS changes for go live
Import products & categories from a spreadsheet
Import customers from a spreadsheet
Basic SEO Understanding and support on how to rank.
Send products to Google Merchant Center
Blog post migration
(up to 50 blog posts)



Support Choosing the most suitable Theme
Customisation of Theme
One hour tutorial on how to add products & categories
(Face to Face tutorials available)
Basic Pages Set Up
(Face to Face tutorials available)
Basic Pages Set Up
(eg. About Us, T&C's privacy policy)
Setup assistance with payment gateways
Set Up Products 10
Set up your delivery rates schedule
Set up Google Search Console
Domain name DNS changes for go live
Import products & categories from a spreadsheet
Import customers from a spreadsheet
Basic SEO Understanding and support on how to rank.
Send products to Google Merchant Center
Blog post migration
Blog post migration
(up to 50 blog posts)



Support Choosing the most suitable Theme
Customisation of Theme
One hour tutorial on how to add products & categories
(Face to Face tutorials available)
Basic Pages Set Up
(Face to Face tutorials available)
Basic Pages Set Up
(eg. About Us, T&C's privacy policy)
Setup assistance with payment gateways
Set Up Products 20
Set up your delivery rates schedule
Set up Google Search Console
Domain name DNS changes for go live
Import products & categories from a spreadsheet
Import customers from a spreadsheet
Basic SEO Understanding and support on how to rank.
Send products to Google Merchant Center
Blog post migration
Blog post migration
(up to 50 blog posts)



Support Choosing the most suitable Theme
Customisation of Theme
One hour tutorial on how to add products & categories
(Face to Face tutorials available)
Basic Pages Set Up
(Face to Face tutorials available)
Basic Pages Set Up
(eg. About Us, T&C's privacy policy)
Setup assistance with payment gateways
Set Up Products POA
Set up your delivery rates schedule
Set up Google Search Console
Domain name DNS changes for go live
Import products & categories from a spreadsheet
Import customers from a spreadsheet
Basic SEO Understanding and support on how to rank.
Send products to Google Merchant Center
Blog post migration
Blog post migration
(up to 50 blog posts)