Search Engine Optimization is an important aspect of ensuring your products are seen and ultimately bought. Working on the foundations is important to the success of your business. 

To keep it simple in Beacon we have made this easily available and clear. 

Within the product under the SEO tag, you will see the following 3 sections 


  • This is automatically populated from the Name of your product. You can edit this to be unique but there are a few things to consider. 
  • This must be a unique URL to avoid accidentally re-directing to another product or 404 Page not found. 
  • Ensure all is added in lower case. 
  • Changing this URL could cause temp 404 errors of old active links. 
  • Change this URL does not automatically update where you have referenced in articles around the system. 


This is the TITLE of your product - This is what will rank in Seach Engines. We must ensure this is accurate and associated with your product. 

  • Ensuring that the title aims to consist of 50 - 70 Characters 
  • Make it clear to a customer what the product is your selling. 
  • Ensure the title is focused on the product as well as what customers will search for when looking for your product. 


This is the DESCRIPTION of your product - This is where you want to be adding in an accurate description that describes the product your selling. Relating this to key word search terms also is essential. 

  • Ensure the description aims to consist of 155 - 160 characters